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Instructions for New Registration

There are four sections you must complete:

  1. Your Information: Most fields are self explanatory. Make sure you fill them out correctly, for security we limit changes.
  2. Secret Questions: We randomly pop up questions while you are watching sessions. We also use algorithm's that allow some leeway in your answers. Select 5 secret questions.
  3. Photo ID: This is a "selfie" that you will take and upload. You may be asked to allow access to your camera.
  4. Finish: This tab has links to documents that delineate KeepSober's and your responsibilites. You can print them out.
    Ater you submit your Registration, you will automatically be redirected to a web page to pay and enrol.

Programa de DUI en espanol: En el cuadro desplegable donde ingresa el estado en el que recibio su DUI; ve al final de la lista del Programa de Espanol.

Your log in
Your Contact Info
Date of Birth and Arrest
State/County of Arrest

The following documents are part of your Enrollment: